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funbook 1

FUNBOOK 1 (Elementary Grades K-4+)

Funbooks 1 and 2 grew out of our first experiences doing Let’s Read Math workshops.  We adapted the lessons for younger students (K-1), giving them extra attention and guidance. We used the same lessons to challenge older students (Gr 4-5) to work independently. Instructionally, the books and activities are especially appropriate for children in grades 2-3.

Punchouts on the cover of Funbook 1 include coins, buttons, tangrams, quilt designs and chicken clothes!  A Teacher’s Guide is available with teaching hints, and answers for the Funbook pages. 

See the list of books featured in Funbook 1.

Note:  Seven of the Funbook lessons have been modified and expanded into full workshops that are frequently used as family nights in schools.